Does Windows 10 Come With Microsoft Word and Excel? Easy Guide

Microsoft Word and Excel are two of the most popular software applications in the world. Chances are, if you’re using a computer, you’re using one or both of these programs. They’re staples in office environments and for general home use. So it’s no surprise that many people want to know if Windows 10 comes with Microsoft Word and Excel pre-installed.
If you’re new to Windows 10, you may be wondering if Microsoft Word and Excel come pre-installed. In this easy guide, we’ll tell you how to download and install these popular applications. Whether you’re a student or a business professional, these applications are essential tools for crafting documents and crunching numbers.
When do you have to install Microsoft Word and Excel in a new Windows 10 operating system?
Most software manufacturers make programs available as downloads on their websites and many e-commerce sites offer popular programs for download. In most cases, Windows 10 comes without pre-installed programs such as Microsoft Word and Excel. To
use these programs, you’ll need to download them yourself. You may also find that many retailers offer incentives when you buy a computer with certain applications pre-installed. However, the only way to be sure which software comes installed is by checking directly with your manufacturer or retailer before purchasing the device!
How do you install Microsoft Word and Excel in the Windows 10 operating system?
When you’re installing Microsoft Word and Excel, the first thing you’ll need to do is install Windows 10. It is recommended you clean install for the best user experience and minimal issues. However, you can also opt for an upgrade installation.
To install Microsoft Word and Excel, you need to be familiar with the different versions of these programs: Microsoft Office Student and Teachers edition. This suite includes the following applications: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. It also comes with other applications such as Access and Publisher; however, those aren’t necessary for Word or Excel.
Microsoft Office Home and Business edition. This version offers the same programs like the Student and Teacher edition but also includes Outlook. If you’re looking for just Microsoft Word and Excel, it’s best to stick with the former option.
Pre-installed Microsoft word and excel in Windows 10 operating system?
There also exist edited versions of Windows 10 operating systems. This means that these programs are included in the Windows 10 installation disk. However, you will still need to purchase a full version. If this is something you’re interested in looking at, it’s best to do some research on the brand you have selected and see what it offers.
How do you download Microsoft Word and Excel?
Microsoft Office is a subscription service which means that if you would like to use Microsoft Word and Excel, you’ll need to purchase a subscription online. You can purchase it directly from your Windows 10 operating system; however, this will cost more money and it’s usually not the best option when there are other viable alternatives.
To download Microsoft Word and Excel through Windows 10’s version of Microsoft Office, you will need to be logged in to your Microsoft account. Simply search for the application in your programs and select it to be installed. This will automatically install Word and Excel onto your Windows 10 computer system.
Bottom line
Are you looking to install Microsoft Word and Excel with Windows 10, or a Windows 10 operating system with pre-installed programs? Don’t hesitate to contact us; we will show you how to get up and running quickly. You’ll be able to start creating documents and spreadsheets in no time.