Several options to uninstall Microsoft office 2010
There are various reasons you would wish to remove Office 2010 from your PC. You may be experiencing issues with the application and need to reinstall it, as you may be switching to another Office product or model, such as Office 2013, or OpenOffice, or you may wish to use this program on a newer machine. Whatever your reason, the guide provided below will lead you through many methods to uninstall microsoft office 2010, from easy to sophisticated, as you follow the instructions.
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Uninstall Microsoft office using the control panel:
- Utilize the Start menu and press the “Control Panel.”
- Under “Programs,” choose “Uninstall an application,” then select “View installed updates.” To arrange the list alphabetically, click the “Name” option.
- Scroll down to “Microsoft Windows” and choose “Internet Explorer 10.”
- In the menu bar, select the “Uninstall” button and, when requested, click “Yes” to finalize the process.
- When asked, click the “Restart Now” option to finish the removal procedure.
If you installed Internet Explorer 9 before installing Internet Explorer 10, Internet Explorer 9 is currently the current version on your computer. To remove it, follow the same procedures as before, but this time choose “Internet Explorer 9” from the list of updates. When prompted to activate IE 8, uninstall IE 9 and restart your computer.
Uninstall Microsoft office using Re installation process:
You will be unable to uninstall microsoft office 2010 if the uninstall file is corrupted or missing. In many cases, reinstalling Microsoft Office 2010 may be sufficient. Run the installer from the original disk or download the file to reinstall the application. The installer may also allow you to fix or remove the software at times.
Uninstall Microsoft office using the system restore:
System Restore is an application with Windows operating systems that allows users to restore the system to a previous state and remove programs that interfere with computer function. If you made a System Restore point before installing an application, you use it to restore your system and remove apps like Microsoft Office 2010. Before doing a system restore, make a backup of your files and data. Closing all open files and applications is the first step.
- Right-click then appears the menu button select Properties.
- It shows the system window.
- Click System Protection on the left side of the System window.
- It shows the system properties window on the screen.
- The System Restore box will display once you click System Restore.
- Select another recovery point and press the Next button.
- Choose a day and time from the drop-down menu, then click Next. You should be aware that any applications or drivers installed after the specified date and time may not function correctly and need to reinstall.
- Click on the finish button when the dialog box appears as “Confirm Restore Point.”
- Click Yes once more to confirm.
Uninstall Microsoft office using uninstaller.exe:
Most computer applications include an executable file called uninst000.exe, uninstall.exe, or something along those lines. You can find these files in the Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 installation folder. Steps:
- Navigate to the installation location for Microsoft Office 2010.
- Look for the files uninstall.exe and unins000.exe.
- Double-click its uninstaller and follow the tutorial to uninstall Microsoft Office 2010.